Want to be a part of our exciting journey?
Your donation in any amount is tax deductible and you will receive a receipt at the end of the year. You will also see your name listed on this page of the website.
Donate $100.00 or more and we will email you our 100 page digital prayer book - Praying God's Word.
Sponsor one episode for a $5,000.00 donation.
Your name or business will appear in the final credits of that episode.
Would you like to sponsor all remaining episodes? Contact us for details.
Your name or business will appear in the final credits of all remaining episodes as your advertisement.
Donate Online
Donate By Mail
Make your check or money order payable to: "The Timothy Program."
Mail to:
The Timothy Program
8419 Pine Circle
Charlotte, NC 28215
(check memo: God's Land Journey)
God's Land Journey is also a part of The Timothy Program International curriculum. TPI has partnered with Campus Crusade for Christ, The Pocket Testament League, and the American Bible Society to provide tools to teach people in their home countries how to evangelize. Please take a look at the following documentation and site links to learn more. When you give to the God's Land Journey project you are also supporting this effort.
Campus Crusade (Jesus Film)
Pocket Testament League (Gospel of John)
American Bible Society (Bibles)
Timothy Program International (Curriculum)
"End to End" Partners for Evangelizing the World
Current Donors
Harry and Beverly Barbee | Jennie Barrett | Francesca Bechtel |
Blue Mountain Christian Retreat | Debra Brannon | David and Jane Burgner |
Robin Catoe | John Callanan | Roy Chandler |
Karl & Lori Coke | Kristin Coke | Richard and Beverly Congdon |
Mitch and Brenda Culp | Beverly Hunter-Daniel |
Nedra Dover |
Monty & Juanita Felix | Mary Fink | David & Vicki Foster |
Shawn and Rebecca Fox | Diane Fudge | Joseph and Sandra Furr |
Sandra Glass | Frank & Nancy Goldstein | Eric and Wanda Grant |
Mark and Kathleen Grasso | Bruce Grubb | Nellie Harville |
Barbara Hassler | Skip and Connie Holmberg | Kyle and Holley Hosick |
Travis and Suzy Hughes | Osborne and Kathy Inabinet | Fred and Karen Johnson |
Norma Kaub | Nigel and Kate Keyes | Hobart and Barbara Ann Leonard |
Al & Ada Longenecker | Felix Lopez | Frank and Pat Macy |
John & Nixza Marino | Douglas and Mary McCurry | Kay McEntire |
Tommy & Melissa Miller | Wayne and Amy Miller | Bill & Barbara Mitchell |
Marty & Melissa Mitchell | Clair Moody | Jim Mustoe |
Vicki Norris | Buck Norton | Glenda Nyirenda |
Ann Oates | Katie Olson | Linda Olson |
E.T. & Polly O'Reilly | B. Joe and Ann Parker | Grady and Barbara Phillips |
Jack & Jeanette Poole | David and Joan Ranz | Tom and Sid Renfro |
Restoration Family W. C. | Timothy Rhodes | Joseph and Linda Richardson |
Bob and Lindy Roach | S. Gandhi Rooban | Joice Deeparani Rooban |
Sam Pradeep Rooban | JoAnn Root | Tyra Ross |
David and Faith Rowe | Thomas Sansoni | David Skellie |
Bert and Sarah Slaubaugh | Mary Sightler | Herman & Patricia Simmeth |
Norman and Sally Smith | Kathryn and Nick Stabler | WIlliam and Rebecca Steele |
Rich and Irene Taschek | James and Linda Taylor | Philip and Claire Thayer |
Dianne Thomas | Frank and Myrna Todd | John and Gloria Tomaselli |
Christopher and Betsy Ullrich | Deva Kumar Villuri | Robert and Sarah Wannamaker |
Lawrence and Brenda Watson | Carol Westmoreland | Carol Wiles |
Denny and Kim Wright | Lois Yelton |